Call for Abstracts
We ask all speakers and poster exhibitors to please submit abstracts. The 2-pages extended abstracts should be submitted to one of the following groups by indicating mode of the presentation (oral or poster) until July 31, 2014:
i) Magnesium in soil and crop management
ii) Magnesium fertilizers and crop nutrition
iii) Magnesium in plant physiology and molecular biology
iv) Magnesium in animal and human systems
Please use our template file for creating your abstract. Please submit the abstract in English. Oral presentations may as well be held in Portuguese, but Powerpoint presentations should be in English.
Download template in MS-Word format (Word-document, 700 KB)
Please submit all abstracts to mg-conference(at) by July 31, 2014.
Poster size
Posters should be in DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm or 33.1 x 46.8 inch). Please submit the poster in English.
Special Journal Issue
All oral and poster presenters are invited to submit a full manuscript to the magnesium special issue to be published in Crop & Pasture Science that is a highly cited and prestigious journal published by CSIRO Publishing in Australia. Detailed guidelines for submission of the papers to the Magnesium Special Issue of the journal Crop & Pasture Science will be announced later.