In April 2011 Prof. Dr. Klaus Dittert took office as the head of the Department of Plant Nutrition and Yield Physiology of the Georg-August-University of Goettingen. This position includes scientific direction of the IAPN.
The IAPN will greatly expand the scope of the issues, crop plants and cultivation conditions. The mutual interaction and interdependence of the various elements of agrarian and neighbouring systems will be part of this investigation. “Nourishing crop plants should be accompanied by minimal environmental impacts”, Professor Dittert explains the increasing consideration for integrated or holistic research approaches. In his opinion, one of the IAPN’s most important future fields of work will be the connection between nutrient supply and water use efficiency. “How can we encourage plants to use scarce water supplies more efficiently, and thrive with less water? Here we still lack basic physiological knowledge, which we will have to generate at the IAPN, in cooperation with our expert partners.” More about Prof. Dr. Klaus Dittert.
The IAPN is now ready to commence its scientific work, with an initial staff endowment of one junior professorship, one Ph. D-position and one technical assistant.