- Lílian Angélica Moreira from Brazil conducts research at IAPN
From March to October 2020, Brazilian PhD student Lílian Angélica Moreira of São Paulo University (USP) is a guest scientist at IAPN. During this period, she will be working on the project entitled “Physiological changes in nitrogen metabolism as a result of Mo resupply”. The objective of this work is to evaluate the interaction of the metabolism of nitrogen (N) and molybdenum (Mo) and under which condition the presence of Mo increases the N use efficiency (NUE). In addition, it will be assessed whether Mo interferes with the N uptake by the plants and the relationship with the application form. To this end, the project will rely on the use of a stable isotope (15N), and several physiological parameters during plant growth will be determined.
The project will be supervised by Junior Professor Dr. Merle Tränkner, junior research group leader and professor for "Applied Plant Nutrition" at IAPN.