- Dr. Rolf Härdter Appointed as New Managing Director of IAPN
As of April 22nd 2020, Dr. Rolf Härdter is the new managing director of IAPN. His position includes the directorship of K+S An-Institutsverwaltungs GmbH. The head of Agronomy & Advisory at K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH succeeds Professor Dr. Andreas Gransee who has been IAPN’s managing director since its foundation in November 2010 and is now focusing on new tasks. Andreas Gransee gave a strong impetus to the foundation and development of the institute as well as important stimuli for research foci, and strived to expand IAPN’s cooperation with national and international research institutions.

The IAPN operates as an administratively and legally independent unit, funded by the K+S An-Institutsverwaltungs GmbH. It has been set up as a Public-Private-Partnership between the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH with headquarters in Kassel. The institute is jointly led by Rolf Härdter and Professor Dr. Klaus Dittert, head of the Division of Plant Nutrition and Crop Physiology at the University of Göttingen and scientific director of IAPN.
As head of Agriculture & Advisory at K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH, Rolf Härdter is – among other responsibilities – in charge of research and field trial programs on current issues with respect to plant nutrition. Main areas of research are nutrient effect on plant growth, yield and quality, nutrient and resource efficiency, balanced fertilization and soil fertility. Also, he manages the advisory service for farmers and other target groups.
Rolf Härdter is associated with IAPN since it’s foundation. For example, at the event “IAPN in Dialogue” focusing on oil palm cultivation, held in November 2017, he contributed expert knowledge on the nutritional situation in oil palms of South-East Asia.
The IAPN team is looking forward to the cooperation with Rolf Härdter and would like to express its warmest gratitude to Andreas Gransee for his great commitment and dedication to IAPN in the last 10 years.