Knowledge Exchange
The presentations are available as a PDF download here. The order corresponds to the sequence in the program. If a presentation is missing, the speaker requested not to publish it.
Oral presentations
Antonio Roque Dechen, Brazil
Welcome Speech (33,9 MB)
Rhian Touyz, UK
Magnesium – From Bench to Bedside (2,6 MB)
Godofredo Vitti, Brazil
Time and rate effect of magnesium application by foliar spray on soybean (54 MB)
Kieserite video (16,7 MB)
Video of root and shoot growth in differentiated Mg fertilization (12,7 MB)
Philip White, UK
Phylogenetic effects on shoot magnesium concentrations (21,2 MB)
Christian Hermans, Belgium
Natural variation of magnesium content in Arabidopsis (7 MB)
Ismail Cakmak, Turkey
Magnesium in root growth and seed formation (34,2 MB)
Andrea Rosanoff, USA
The potential importance of Ca:Mg in human health (14,4 MB)
Forrest H. Nielsen, USA
Importance of plant sources of magnesium for human health (0,3 MB)
Alexander Baart, Germany
Magnesium, mineral of wellbeing and wellness (3,7 MB)
Oral poster presentations
Rafael Gil Silvano, Brazil
Time and rate effect of magnesium application by foliar spray on soybean (1,9 MB)
Xiao Sun, China
Correlated biogeographic variation in magnesium across trophic levels (0,5 MB)