Structure of the IAPN
The Georg-August-University of Goettingen will provide the premises at the Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Nutrition,
and is responsible for the IAPN’s administration.
The IAPN will function as an administratively and legally independent
unit, funded by K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH.
Executive management of the IAPN will be effected by Prof. Dr. Jóska Gerendás, a representative of K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH.
Scientifically the IAPN will be directed by Prof. Dr. Klaus Dittert, who will take on this function as part of his office as the director of the Division of Plant Nutrition within the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Goettingen. Heading the IAPN will take up 20% of his working hours.
The IAPN is a so-called public-private-partnership. This is a cooperation between the public and the private sectors. In the United States, such cooperations play a considerable role in research, and are much more common than in Germany. These cooperations are beneficial to both sides.
Motivation of K+S
K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH’s motivation for committing to the IAPN may be described as follows:
- Strengthening basic and application-oriented research on plant nutrition – specifically on the nutrients potassium, magnesium and sulphur.
- Bundling and linking existing and future international research activities.
- Promotion of knowledge transfer into practice.
- Identification of future fields of research, by establishing a dialogue between research and practice.
Motivation of the University of Goettingen
In addition to financial aspects, the motivation of the Georg-August-University of Goettingen may be described as follows:
- Public-private-partnership strengthens activities in the field of plant nutrition.
- The affiliated institute increases expertise and reputation of the Goettingen university.
- Strong orientation towards application in research and the focus on internationally relevant issues covers a area that so far has been under-represented in the Department of Crop Sciences.
Independence of research
The statutes of the University of Goettingen regulates the independence of research conducted at the university. The contract concluded between K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH and the university is clearly based on these guidelines, which therefore also apply to the IAPN.
Funding of the IAPN
K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH funds:
- Three research positions.
- Project-related, additional funds.
The Georg-August-University Goettingen funds:
- The premises.
- Operating costs (electricity, heat, etc.).