Kesenheimer, K.; Augustin, J.; Hegewald, H.; Köbke, S.; Dittert, K.; Räbiger, T.; Quinones, T. S.; Prochnow, A.; Hartung, J.; Fuss, R.; Stichnothe, H.; Flessa, H. & Ruser, R. (2021) Nitrification inhibitors reduce N2O emissions induced by application of biogas digestate to oilseed rape. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 120(1), 119-120. doi:10.1007/s10705-021-10138-5.
Mugo, J.N.; Karanja, N.; Gachene, C.; Dittert, K. & Schulte-Geldermann, E. (2021) Response of potato to fertilizers applied on different soil types in Kenyan Highlands. Agronomy Journal. doi:ARTN 1-13 10.1002/agj2.20827.
Mugo, J.N.; Karanja, N.N.; Gachene, C.K.; Dittert, K.; Gitari, H.I. & Schulte-Geldermann, E. (2021) Response of potato crop to selected nutrients in central and eastern highlands of Kenya. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 7(1). doi:Artn 1898762 10.1080/23311932.2021.1898762.
Rummel, P.S.; Well, R.; Pausch, J.; Pfeiffer, B. & Dittert, K. (2021) Carbon availability and nitrogen mineralization control denitrification rates and product stoichiometry during initial maize litter decomposition. Applied Sciences, 11(11), doi:10.3390/app11115309.
Rummel, P.S.; Well, R.; Pfeiffer, B.; Dittert, K.; Floßmann, S. & Pausch, J. (2021) Nitrate uptake and carbon exudation – do plant roots stimulate or inhibit denitrification? Plant and Soil, 459(1), 17.doi:10.1007/s11104-020-04750-7.
Wang, H.T.; Ma, S.T.; Shao, G.D. & Dittert, K. (2021). Use of urease and nitrification inhibitors to decrease yield-scaled N2O emissions from winter wheat and oilseed rape fields: A two-year field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 319. doi:ARTN 107552 10.1016/j.agee.2021.107552.
Guo, L.; Liu, M.J.; Tao, Y.Y.; Zhang, Y.N.; Li, G.Y.; Lin, S. & Dittert, K. (2020) Innovative water-saving ground cover rice production system increases yield with slight reduction in grain quality. Agricultural Systems, 180.
Ivens, S.; Wiese, G.; Dittert, K.; Musshoff, O. & Oberle, M. (2020) Bringing policy decisions to the people-education for sustainable development through a digital simulation game. Sustainability 12, 8743, 10.3390/su12208743.
Mugo, J.N.; Karanja, N.N.; Gachene, C.K.; Dittert, K.; Nyawade, S.O. & Schulte-Geldermann, E. (2020) Assessment of soil fertility and potato crop nutrient status in central and eastern highlands of Kenya. Scientific Reports, 10, doi:ARTN 7779 10.1038/s41598-020-64036-x.
Rummel, P.S.; Pfeiffer, B.; Pausch, J.; Well, R.; Schneider, D, & Dittert, K. (2020) Maize root and shoot litter quality controls short-term CO2 and N2O emissions and bacterial community structure of arable soil. Biogeosciences, 17: 1181–1198,
Surey, R.; Schimpf, C.M.; Sauheitl, L.; Mueller, C.W.; Rummel, P.S.; Dittert, K., Kaiser, K.; Böttcher, J. & Mikutta, R. (2020) Potential denitrification stimulated by water-soluble organic carbon from plant residues during initial decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 147: 107841,
Suriyagoda, L.; Tränkner, M. & Dittert, K. (2020) Effects of potassium nutrition and water availability on iron toxicity of rice at seedling stage. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 43, 2350-2367,
Wang, H.T.; Beule, L.; Zang, H.D.; Pfeiffer, B.; Ma, S.T.; Karlovsky, P. & Dittert, K. (2020) The potential of ryegrass as cover crop to reduce soil N2O emissions and increase the population size of denitrifying bacteria. European Journal of Soil Science.
Wang, H.T.; Köbke, S. & Dittert, K. (2020) Use of urease and nitrification inhibitors to reduce gaseous nitrogen emissions from fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate and urea. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22. doi:ARTN e00933 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e00933.
Wang, H.T.; Ma, S.T. & Dittert, K. (2020) Straw amendments did not induce high N2O emissions in non-frozen wintertime conditions: A study in northern Germany. Soil Use and Management 36:693-703,
Abbadi, J.; Dittert, K.; Steingrobe, B. & Claassen, N. (2019) Mechanisms of potassium uptake efficiency and dynamics in the rhizosphere of safflower and sunflower in different soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 42, 2459-2483: doi:10.1080/01904167.2019.1655035.
Grahmann, K.; Dittert, K.; Verhulst, N.; Govaerts, B. & Buerkert, A. (2019) N-15 Fertilizer recovery in different tillage-straw systems on a Vertisol in north-west Mexico. Soil Use and Management 35: 482-491.
Khanal, G.; Wachendorf, C.; Dittert, K.; Willich, M.; Dietz, H.; Buerkert, A. & Ingold, M. (2019) Nitrogen turnover in a repeatedly manured arid subtropical soil: Incubation studies with 15N isotopes. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 182, 836-845. doi:10.1002/jpln.201800340.
Chen, Q.; Wang, Z.-L.; Zou, C.B.; Fan, Y.; Dittert, K. & Lin, S. (2018) Legacy effects of historical grazing affect the response of vegetation dynamics to water and nitrogen addition in semi-arid steppe. Applied Vegetation Science.
Grahmann, K.; Verhulst, N.; Dittert, K.; Govaerts, B. & Buerkert, A. (2018) High N fertilizer application to irrigated wheat in Northern Mexico for conventionally tilled and permanent raised beds: Effects on N balance and short term N dynamics. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 181, 606-620.
Guo, L.; Liu, M.J.; Zhang, Y.A.; Tao, Y.Y.; Zhang, F.; Li, G.Y.; Dittert, K. & Lin, S. (2018) Yield differences get large with ascendant altitude between traditional paddy and water-saving ground cover rice production system. Eur. J. Agron. 92, 9-16.
Jákli, B.; Hauer-Jákli, M.; Böttcher, F.; Meyer zur Müdehorst, J.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2018): Leaf, canopy and agronomic water-use efficiency of field-grown sugar beet in response to potassium fertilization. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 204, 99-110.
Köbke, S.; Senbayram, M.; Pfeiffer, B.; Nacke, H. & Dittert, K. (2018) Post-harvest N2O and CO2 emissions related to plant residue incorporation of oilseed rape and barley straw depend on soil NO3- content. Soil and Tillage Research 179, 105-113.
Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Pfeiffer, B. (2018): The cropping system matters – Contrasting responses of winter faba bean genotypes to drought stress. EUCARPIA Symposium on Breeding for Diversification, February 19th - 21st, Witzenhausen, Germany.
Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Pfeiffer, B. (2018): The cropping system matters – Contrasting responses of winter faba bean genotypes to drought stress. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, February 05th - 07th, Potsdam, Germany.
Suriyagoda, L.D.B.; Dittert, K. & Lambers, H. (2018) Arsenic in rice soils and potential agronomic mitigation strategies to reduce arsenic bioavailability: a review. Pedosphere 28, 363-382.
Suriyagoda, L.D.B.; Dittert, K. & Lambers, H. (2018) Mechanism of arsenic uptake, translocation and plant resistance to accumulate arsenic in rice grains. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 253, 23-37.
Tao, H.H.; Donough, C.; Gerendas, J.; Hoffmann, M.P.; Cahyo, A.; Sugianto, H.; Wandri, R.; Rahim, G.A.; Fisher, M.; Rötter, R.P.; Dittert, K.; Pardon, L. & Oberthur, T. (2018) Fertilizer management effects on oil palm yield and nutrient use efficiency on sandy soils with limited water supply in Central Kalimantan. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 112, 317-333.
Tavakol, E.; Jákli, B.; Cakmak, I.; Dittert, K.; Karlovsky, P.; Pfohl, K. & Senbayram, M. (2018) Optimized potassium nutrition improves plant-water-relations of barley under PEG-induced osmotic stress. Plant Soil 430, 23-35.
Chen, Q.; Hooper, D.U.; Li, H.; Gong, X.Y.; Peng, F.; Wang, H.; Dittert, K. & Lin, S. (2017) Effects of resource addition on recovery of production and plant functional composition in degraded semiarid grasslands. Oecologia 184, 13-24.
Dittert, K. & Bürkert, A. (2017) Spezielle Probleme der Düngung. In Ökologische Landwirtschaft. Eds. M Wachendorf, A Bürkert and R Graß. pp. 338-351. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany.
Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Tränkner, M. & Dittert, K. (2017) Restricted CO2 diffusion through the leaf mesophyll and not stomatal regulation limits photosynthesis in K deficient sunflower. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 21st – 24th, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2017) Quantitative limitations to photosynthesis in K deficient sunflower and their implications on water-use efficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology 209, 20-30.
Jákli, B.; Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E. & Dittert, K. (2017) Restricted CO2 diffusion through the leaf mesophyll and not stomatal regulation limits photosynthesis in K deficient crop plants. Frontiers of Potassium, January 25th – 27th, Rome, Italy.
Lingner, A. & Dittert, K. (2017): Remote sensing of productivity and water use in legume-based mixed cropping systems. 60. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V. (GPW), September 26th - 28th, Witzenhausen, Germany.
Lingner, A.; Pfeiffer, B. & Dittert, K. (2017): Performance and drought stress response of winter faba bean genotypes in mixed cropping with winter wheat. XVIII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 21st - 24th, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lingner, A.; Pfeiffer, B. & Dittert, K. (2017): Winter faba bean growth in pure and mixed stands under water deficit conditions in the greenhouse. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, February 20th - 22nd, Potsdam, Germany.
Ruser, R.; Fuss, R.; Andres, M.; Hegewald, H.; Kesenheimer, K.; Köbke, S.; Rabiger, T.; Quinones, T.S.; Augustin, J.; Christen, O.; Dittert, K.; Kage, H.; Lewandowski, I.; Prochnow, A.; Stichnothe, H. & Flessa, H. (2017) Nitrous oxide emissions from winter oilseed rape cultivation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 249, 57-69.
Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M.; Jákli, B.; Halicki, S.; Dittert, K. & Zörb, C. (2017) Comparative Study on Proteome Changes in Response to Potassium Deficiency and Drought in Triticum aestivum Roots. Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference, January 25th – 27th, Rome, Italy.
Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E.; Jákli, B. & Dittert, K. (2017) Photoprotective responses and PSII functionality under Mg deficiency. XVIII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 21st – 24th, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Wu, D.; Senbayram, M.; Well, R.; Brüggemann, N.; Pfeiffer, B.; Loick, N.; Stempfhuber, B.; Dittert, K. & Bol, R. (2017) Nitrification inhibitors mitigate N2O emissions more effectively under straw-induced conditions favoring denitrification. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 104, 197-207.
Avenhaus, U.; Cabeza, R.A.; Liese, R.; Sulieman, S.; Lingner, A.; Dittert, K.; Salinas-Riester, G.; Pommerenke, C. & Schulze, J. (2016) Short-term molecular acclimation processes of legume nodules to increased external oxygen concentration. Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 1133.
Gong, X.Y.; Giese, M.; Dittert, K.; Lin, S. & Taube, F. (2016) Topographic influences on shoot litter and root decomposition in semiarid hilly grasslands. Geoderma 282, 112-119.
Jákli, B., Senbayram, M.; Meyer zur Müdehorst, J.; Fuchs, M.; Böttcher, F.; Hertwig, F.; Lingner, A. & Dittert, K. (2016) Drone-based remote screening of water-use efficiency. 75th Congress of the International Institute for Beet Research (IIRB), February 16th – 17th, Brussels, Belgium.
Jákli, B.; Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2016): Adequate supply of potassium improves plant water-use efficiency but not leaf water-use efficiency of spring wheat. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 179, 733-745.
Lingner, A. & Dittert, K. (2016): Spectral screening of legume-based mixed cropping systems using NDVI imaging. Internationale Pflanzenbautagung, November 17th -18th, Bernburg, Germany.
Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016): Traits for water use in mixed cropping systems. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, March 14th - 16th, Potsdam, Germany.
Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016): Water use efficiency and drone-based spectral screening of productivity in mixed cropping systems. Second International Legume Society Conference (ILS), October 11th - 14th, Tróia, Portugal.
Lingner, A.; Siebrecht, D.; Senbayram, M.; Link, W. & Dittert, K. (2016): Productivity of legume-based mixed cropping systems as estimated by NDVI imaging. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 28th - 30th, Hohenheim, Germany.
Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Geilfus, C.M.; Cakmak, I.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016) Magnesium deficiency decreases biomass water-use efficiency and increases leaf water-use efficiency and oxidative stress in barley plants. Plant Soil 406, 409-423.
Wiesler, F.; Hund-Rinke, K.; Gäth, S.; George, E.; Greef, J.M.; Hölzle, L.E.; Holz, F.; Hülsbergen, K.J.; Pfeil, R.; Severin, K.; Frede, H.G.; Blum, B.; Schenkel, H.; Horst, W.; Dittert, K.; Ebertseder, T.; Osterburg, B.; Philipp, W. & Pietsch, M. (2016) Use of organic fertilizers and organic wastes in agriculture. Berichte über Landwirtschaft – Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft 94: 1-25, doi:
Cabeza, R.A.; Liese, R.; Fischinger, S.A.; Sulieman, S.; Avenhaus, U.; Lingner, A.; Hein, H.; Koester, B.; Baumgarten, V.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2015) Long-term non-invasive and continuous measurements of legume nodule activity. Plant Journal 81, 637-648.
Gong, X.Y.; Fanselow, N.; Dittert, K.; Taube, F. & Lin, S. (2015) Response of primary production and biomass allocation to nitrogen and water supplementation along a grazing intensity gradient in semiarid grassland. Europ J Agronomy 63. Eur. J. Agron. 63, 27-35.
Jákli, B.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E. & Dittert, K. (2015) Der Einfluss von Kalium auf die Wassernutzungseffizienz von Weizen – vom einzelnen Blatt zur gesamten Pflanze. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th – 18th, Göttingen, Germany.
Jákli, B.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E. & Dittert, K. (2015) The role of potassium in optimizing water-use efficiency and drought adaptation - from single leaves to whole plants. 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), August 31st – September 04th, Göttingen, Germany.
Köster, J.R.; Cardenas, L.; Bol, R.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Senbayram, M.; Well, R.; Giesemann, A. & Dittert, K. (2015) Anaerobic digestates lower N2O emissions compared to cattle slurry by affecting rate and product stoichiometry of denitrification - an N2O isotopomer case study. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 84, 65-74.
Lingner, A.; Dittert, K.; Steinmann, H.; Isselstein, J.; Link, W. & Senbayram, M. (2015): Traits for water and nutrient use in mixed cropping systems. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th - 18th, Göttingen, Germany.
Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brück, H. (2015) Daytime leaf water use efficiency does not explain the relationship between plant N status and biomass water-use efficiency of tobacco under non-limiting water supply. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 178, 682-692.
Tao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Jin, X.; Saiz, G.; Jing, R.; Guo, L.; Liu, M.; Shi, J.; Zuo, Q.; Tao, H.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Dittert, K. & Lin, S. (2015) More rice with less water - evaluation of yield and resource use efficiency in ground cover rice production system with transplanting. Eur. J. Agron. 68, 13-21.
Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2015) Photoprotective reactions of Mg deficient barley plants. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th – 18th, Göttingen, Germany.
Xiao, Q.Y.; De Gernier, H.; Kupcsik, L.; De Pessemier, J.; Dittert, K.; Fladung, K.; Verbruggen, N. & Hermans, C. (2015) Natural genetic variation of Arabidopsis thaliana root morphological response to magnesium supply. Crop & Pasture Science 66, 1249-1258.
Cabeza, R.; Koester, B.; Liese, R.; Lingner, A.; Baumgarten, V.; Dirks, J.; Salinas-Riester, G.; Pommerenke, C.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2014) A RNA sequencing transcriptome analysis reveals novel insights into molecular aspects of the nitrate impact on the nodule activity of Medicago truncatula. Plant Physiol., 164, 400-411.
Cabeza, R.A.; Liese, R.; Lingner, A.; von Stieglitz, I.; Neumann, J.; Salinas-Riester, G.; Pommerenke, C.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2014) RNA-seq transcriptome profiling reveals that Medicago truncatula nodules acclimate N2 fixation before emerging P deficiency reaches the nodules 3. J. Exp. Bot. 65, 6035-6048.
Cabeza, R.A.; Lingner, A.; Liese, R.; Sulieman, S.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2014) The activity of nodules of the supernodulating mutant Mt(sunn) is not limited by photosynthesis under optimal growth conditions, 5. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15, 6031-6045.
Chen, R.; Senbayram, M.; Blagodatsky, S.; Myachina, O.; Dittert, K.; Lin, X.; Blagodatskaya, E. & Kuzyakov, Y. (2014) Soil C and N availability determine the priming effect: microbial N mining and stoichiometric decomposition theories. Glob. Change Biol. 20, 2356–2367.
Claus, S.; Taube, F.; Wienforth, B.; Svoboda, N.; Sieling, K.; Kage, H.; Senbayram, M.; Dittert, K.; Gericke, D.; Pacholski, A. & Herrmann, A. (2014) Life-cycle assessment of biogas production under the environmental conditions of northern Germany: greenhouse gas balance. J. Agric. Sci., in press.
Köster, J.R.; Dittert, K.; Mühling, K.H.; Kage, H. & Pacholski, A. (2014) Cold season ammonia emissions from land spreading with anaerobic digestates from biogas production. Atmospheric Environment, 84, 35-38.
Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Well, R.; Köster, J.R.; Fuss, R.; Senbayram, M.; Dittert, K. & Flessa, H. (2014) Experimental determinations of isotopic fractionation factors associated with N2O production and reduction during denitrification in soils. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 134, 55–73.
Schmeer, M.; Loges, R.; Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M.; Horn R. & Taube, F. (2014) Legume-based forage production systems reduce nitrous oxide emissions. 1. Soil & Tillage Research 143, 17-25.
Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.; Wienforth, B.; Herrmann, A.; Kage, H.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K., (2014) Emission of N2O from Biogas Crop Production Systems in Northern Germany. BioEnergy Res. 4, 1223-1236.
Tavakol, E.; Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Adequate K supply enhances tolerance to drought situations via optimized NPQ and antioxidant activity in spring wheat. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 10th – 12th, Halle (Saale), Germany.
Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Magnesium deficient barley plants have lower biomass water-use efficiency and increased sensitivity to excess light energy. 2nd Magnesium Symposium, November 4th – 6th, São Paulo, Brazil.
Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Adequate magnesium supply increases biomass water-use efficiency and mitigates effects of excess light energy in barley. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 10th – 12th, Halle (Saale), Germany.
Claus, S.; Taube, F.; Wienforth, B.; Svoboda, N.; Sieling, K.; Kage, H.; Senbayram, M.; Dittert, K.; Gericke, D.; Pacholski, A. & Herrmann, A. (2013): Life Cycle Assessment of biogas production under the environmental conditions of northern Germany: Greenhouse gas balance. J Agric Sci First View, 1-10.
Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M. & Köster, J.R. (2013) N-fertilizer related nitrous oxide emissions – what we know, what we can do. In XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting Proceedings Book. pp. 87-88. Sabanci University, Istanbul.
Köster, J.R.; Pacholski, A.; Dittert, K.; Kage, H.; Denmead, O.T.; Griffith, D.W.T.; Chen, D. & Mühling, K.H. (2013) Cold season ammonia and methane emissions from anaerobic digestates during land spreading and storage determined by Open Path FTIR and a micrometeorological model. In XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting Proceedings Book. pp. 917-918. Sabanci University, Istanbul.
Köster, J.R.; Well, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Mühling, K.H.; Herrmann, A.; Lammel, J. & Senbayram, M. (2013) Soil denitrification potential and ist influence on N2O reduction and N2O isotopomer ratios. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 27, 2363-2373.
Köster, J.R.; Well, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Mühling, K.H.; Herrmann, A.; Lammel, J. & Senbayram, M. (2013): Soil denitrification potential and ist influence on N2O reduction and N2O isotopomer ratios. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 27, 1–11 doi: 10.1002/rcm.6699.
Köster, J.R.; Well, R.; Tuzson, B.; Bol, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Emmenegger, L.; Manninen, A.; Cárdenas, L. & Mohn, J. (2013) Novel laser spectroscopic technique for continuous analysis of N2O isotopomers - application and inter-comparison with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 27, 216-222.
Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brück, H. (2013) Nitrogen supply enhances intrinsic but not biomass water use efficiency. In XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting Proceedings Book. pp. 477-479. Sabanci University, Istanbul.
Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brueck, H. (2013) Nitrogen supply enhances intrinsic but not biomass water use efficiency. XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 19th – 22nd, Istanbul, Turkey.
Chen, R.R.; Blagodatskaya, E.; Senbayram, M.; Blagodatsky, S.; Myachina, O.; Dittert, K. & Kuzyakov, Y. (2012) Decomposition of biogas residues in soil and their effects on microbial growth kinetics and enzyme activities. Biomass Bioenerg., 45, 221-229.
Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.R.; Budai, A.; Bakken, L.; & Dittert, K. (2012): N2O emission and the N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio of denitrification as controlled by available carbon substrates and nitrate concentrations. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment., 147:4-12.
Chen, R. R.; Hu, J. L.; Dittert, K.; Wang, J. H.; Zhang, J. B. & Lin, X. G. (2011) Soil total nitrogen and natural 15N in response to long-term fertilizer management of a maize-wheat cropping system in northern China. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 42, 322-331.
Chen, R.R.; Senbayram, M.; Lin, X.G. & Dittert, K. (2011) Origin of positive d13C of emitted CO2 from soils after application of biogas residues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 2194-2199.
Fanselow, N.; Schönbach, P.; Gong, X.Y.; Lin, S.; Taube, F.; Loges, R.; Pan, Q. & Dittert, K. (2011) Short-term regrowth responses of four steppe grassland species to water, nitrogen, and grazing intensity in Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 279-289.
Gong, X.Y.; Chen, Q.; Dittert, K.; Taube, F. & Lin, S. (2011) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutritional status of semiarid steppe grassland in Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 265-278.
Gong, X.Y.; Chen, Q.; Lin, S.; Brueck, H.; Dittert, K.; Taube, F. & Schnyder, H. (2011) Tradeoffs between nitrogen and water use efficiency in dominant species of the semiarid steppe of Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 227-238.
Köster, J.R.; Cárdenas, L.; Senbayram, M.; Bol, R.; Well, R.; Butler, M.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2011) Rapid shift from denitrification to nitrification in soil after biogas residue application as indicated by nitrous oxide isotopomers. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 1671-1677.
Köster, J.R.; Cardenas, L.; Senbayram, M.; Bol, R.; Well, R.; Butler, M.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2011): Rapid shift from denitrification to nitrification in soil after biogas residue application as indicated by nitrous oxide isotopomers. Soil Biology and Biochem. 43: 1671-1677.
Li, J.; Lin, S.; Taube, F.; Pan, Q. & Dittert, K. (2011) Above and belowground net primary productivity of grassland influenced by supplemental water and nitrogen in Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 253-264.
Liu, Y.; Pan, Q.M.; Liu, H.D.; Bai, Y.F.; Simmons, M.; Dittert, K. & Han, X.G. (2011) Plant responses following grazing removal at different stocking rates in an Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 340, 199-213.
Nannen, D.U.; Hermann, A.; Loges, R.; Dittert, K. & Taube, F. (2011) Recovery of mineral fertiliser N and slurry N in continuous silage maize using the 15N and difference methods. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 89, 269-280.
Wu, H.; Dannenmann, M.; Fanselow, N.; Wolf, B.; Yao, Z.; Wu, X.; Brüggemann, N.; Zhen, X.; Han, X.; Dittert, K. & Butterbach-Bahl, K. (2011) Feedback of grazing on gross rates of N mineralization and inorganic N partitioning in steppe soils of Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil, 340, 1127-139.
Gerendas, J. & Dittert, K. (2010) 16. Düngung von Böden In: Blume, H.P.; Horn, R.; Thiele-Bruhn, S. Handbuch des Bodenschutzes: Bodenökologie und -belastung. Vorbeugende und abwehrende Schutzmassnahmen. Wiley-VCH, 242-267.
Herrmann, A.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2010) Treibhausgasemissionen aus der Landwirtschaft. Biogas Journal, 3/2010, 90-94.
Dittert, K. & Mühling, K.H. (2009) Emission of climate relevant trace gases in intensive plant production. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, 4, 207-211.
Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M.; Chen, R. & Mühling, K.H. (2009): Greenhouse gas emissions in biogas production systems. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI. Davis. USA.
Gevrek, M.N.; Beser, N.; Dittert, K. & Tatar, Ö. (2009) Effects of plastic film mulching cultivation system on some agronomic characters of rice in relation with the increase of paddy acreage. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 14, 15-29.
Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2009): Contribution of nitrification and denitrification-derived nitrous oxide emissions from soil after application of biogas waste compared to other fertilizers. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry. 23; 2489-2498.
Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.R. & Dittert, K. (2009) Contribution of nitrification and denitrification to nitrous oxide emissions from soils amended with biogas waste compared to other fertilizers. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 23, 2489-2498.
Zhang, L.; Lin, S.; Bouman, B.A.M.; Xue, C.Y.; Wei, F.T.; Tao, H.B.; Yang, X.G.; Wang, H.Q.; Zhao, D.L. & Dittert, K. (2009) Response of aerobic rice growth and grain yield to N fertilizer at two contrasting sites near Beijing, China. Field Crops Res., 114, 45-53.
Chen, R.R. & Dittert, K. (2008) Diffusion technique for 15N and inorganic N analysis of low-N aqueous solutions and Kjeldahl digests. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 22, 1727-1734.
Wachendorf, C.; Lampe, C.; Taube, F. & Dittert, K. (2008) Nitrous oxide emissions and dynamics of soil nitrogen under 15N-labeled cow urine and dung patches on a sandy grassland soil. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci., 171, 171-180.
Bouman, B.; Barker, R.; Humphreys, E.; Tuong, T.P.; Atlin, G.; Bennett, J.; Dawe, D.; Dittert, K.; et al. (2007) Rice Feeding the Billions. In: Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. Synthesis Report. Earthscan, London, and International Water Management Institute, Colombo, 515-549.
Kreye, C.; Dittert, K.; Zheng, X.H.; Zhang, X.; Lin, S.; Tao, H.B. & Sattelmacher, B. (2007) Fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in water-saving rice production in north China. Nutrient Cyc. Agroecosyst., 77, 293-304.
Tao, H.B.; Dittert, K.; Zhang, L.M.; Lin, S.; Römheld, V. & Sattelmacher, B. (2007): Effects of soil water content on growth, tillering, and manganese uptake of lowland rice grown in the water-saving ground-cover rice-production system (GCRPS). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 170, 7-13.
Dittert, K.; Wötzel, J. & Sattelmacher, B. (2006): Responses of Alnus glutinosa to anaerobic conditions – mechanisms and rate of oxygen flux into the roots. Plant Biology, 8, 212-223.
Lampe, C.; Dittert, K.; Sattelmacher, B.; Wachendorf, M.; Loges, R. & Taube, F. (2006) Sources and rates of nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grassland after application of 15N-labelled mineral fertilizer and slurry. Soil Biol. Biochem., 38, 2602-2613.
Tao, H.; Brück, H.; Dittert, K.; Kreye, C.; Lin, S. & Sattelmacher, B. (2006) Growth and yield formation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the water-saving ground cover rice production system (GCRPS). Field Crops Research, 95, 1-12.
Dittert, K.; Lampe, C.; Gasche, R.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Wachendorf, M.; Papen, H.; Sattelmacher, B. & Taube, F. (2005) Short-term effects of single or combined application of mineral N fertilizer and cattle slurry on the fluxes of radiatively active trace gases from grassland soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37, 1665-1674.
Bol, R.; Petersen, S.; Christofides, C.; Dittert, K. & Hansen, M.N. (2004) Short-term N2O, CO2, NH3 fluxes, and N/C transfers in a Danish grass-clover pasture after simulated urine deposition in autumn. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 167, 568-576.
Lin, S.; Dittert, K. Wu, W.L. & Sattelmacher, B. (2004) Added nitrogen interaction as affected by soil nitrogen pool size and fertilisation - significance of displacement of fixed ammonium. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 167, 138-146.
Lin, S.; Sattelmacher, B.; Kutzmutz, E.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2004) Influence of nitrogen nutrition on tuber quality of potato with special reference to the pathway of nitrate transport into tubers. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27, 341-350.
Xu, Y.C.; Shen, Q.R.; Li, M.L.; Dittert, K. & Sattelmacher, B. (2004) Effect of soil water status and mulching on N2O and CH4 emission from lowland rice field in China. Short communication. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 39, 215-217.
Coester, M.; Dittert, K. & Sattelmacher, B. (2001) Contribution of fresh-shredded green material to the nitrogen nutrition of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) on a Black Earth Soil (Stagnic Phaeozem). Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 59, 259-267.
Dittert, K.; Bol, R.; King, R.; Chadwick, D. and Hatch, D (2001) Use of a novel nitrification inhibitor to reduce nitrous oxide emission from 15N-labelled dairy slurry injected into soil. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 15, 1291-1296.
Dilly, O.; Bach, H.J.; Blume, H.P.; Buscot, F.; Dittert, K.; Kappen, L.; Kutsch, W.; Middelhoff, B.; Mogge, B.; Pritsch, K.; Wötzel, J. & Munch, J.-C. (1999) Microbial processes and features of the microbiota in histosols from a Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) forest. Geomicrobiology Journal, 16, 65-78.
Dittert, K.; Goerges, T.; Bless, H.G.; Lin, S. & Sattelmacher, B. (1999) Stickstoffdynamik im Boden nach Gülledüngung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der N-Pflanzenaufnahme. Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, 3, 53-58.
Dittert, K.; Goerges, T. & Sattelmacher, B. (1998) Nitrogen turnover in soil after application of animal manure and slurry as studied by the stable isotope 15N: a review. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 161, 453-463.
Goerges, T. & Dittert, K. (1998) Improved diffusion technique for 15N:14N analysis of ammonium and nitrate from aqueous samples by stable isotope spectrometry. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 3 & 4, 361-368.
Kappen, L.; Sattelmacher, B.; Dittert, K. & Buscot, F. (1998) Symbiosen in ökosystemarer Sicht. In: Fränzle, O.; Müller, F.; Schröder, W. (eds.) Handbuch der Umweltwissenschaften: Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Ökosystemforschung. Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg, IV-3.5, 1-28.