Prof. Dr. Mehmet Senbayram

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Senbayram held the junior professorship at the IAPN till end of July 2015 and supervised a junior research group.


Professor Senbayram holds a Ph.D. degree from the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. His Ph.D. study focused on measurement and modeling of nitrous oxide emissions and carbon balances of soils during production of bio-energy crops. His previous research focused on studying plant physiology (role of plant nutrients on water use efficiency of field crops) and microbial process physiology (product stoichiometry of nitrification, denitrification).


Researching abiotic stress tolerance-plant nutrients interaction

The former staff member Professor Senbayram at IAPN focused on drought tolerance-plant nutrients interaction with emphasis on increasing water use efficiency of arable crops by nutrient management. "Water shortage is one of the major stress factors that inhibit plant growth hence negatively effecting food security. The research at IAPN focuses the role of key plant nutrients on the mechanisms and processes that control drought stress tolerance and water use efficiency of crop plants. Optimal nutrient management plays a key role on safeguarding and improving agricultural production in changing climate", said Professor Senbayram, who used new analytical techniques (multi-sensing approaches), which will allow to identify problems and develop solutions on time.


Mehmet Senbayram was born in Turkey. He studied agricultural sciences at the Ege University in Turkey and at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel in Germany. After his Ph.D. study, he worked several years in applied agricultural sciences at the Hanninghof Research Station in Dülmen, Germany.


See also: 2015/07/23 - Junior Professor Mehmet Senbayram takes on new challenges.



Publications in refereed journals and refereed conference proceedings.

Jákli, B.; Hauer-Jákli, M.; Böttcher, F.; Meyer zur Müdehorst, J.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2018): Leaf, canopy and agronomic water-use efficiency of field-grown sugar beet in response to potassium fertilization. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 204, 99-110.

Köbke, S.; Senbayram, M.; Pfeiffer, B.; Nacke, H. & Dittert, K. (2018) Post-harvest N2O and CO2 emissions related to plant residue incorporation of oilseed rape and barley straw depend on soil NO3- content. Soil and Tillage Research 179, 105-113.

Tavakol, E.; Jákli, B.; Cakmak, I.; Dittert, K.; Karlovsky, P.; Pfohl, K. & Senbayram, M. (2018) Optimized potassium nutrition improves plant-water-relations of barley under PEG-induced osmotic stress. Plant Soil 430, 23-35.

Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2017) Quantitative limitations to photosynthesis in K deficient sunflower and their implications on water-use efficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology 209, 20-30.

Wu, D.; Senbayram, M.; Well, R.; Brüggemann, N.; Pfeiffer, B.; Loick, N.; Stempfhuber, B.; Dittert, K. & Bol, R. (2017) Nitrification inhibitors mitigate N2O emissions more effectively under straw-induced conditions favoring denitrification. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 104, 197-207.

Jákli, B.; Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2016): Adequate supply of potassium improves plant water-use efficiency but not leaf water-use efficiency of spring wheat. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 179, 733-745.

Senbayram, M.; Wenthe, C.; Lingner, A.; Isselstein, J.; Steinmann, H.; Kaya, C. & Köbke, S. (2016): Legume-based mixed intercropping systems may lower agricultural born N2O emissions. Energy Sustain. Soc. 6.

Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Geilfus, C.M.; Cakmak, I.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016) Magnesium deficiency decreases biomass water-use efficiency and increases leaf water-use efficiency and oxidative stress in barley plants. Plant Soil 406, 409-423.

Geilfus, C.M.; Niehaus, K.; Godde, V., Hasler, M.; Zörb, C.; Gorzolka, K.; Jezek, M., Senbayram, M.; Ludwig-Müller, J. & Mühling, K.H. (2015) Fast responses of metabolites in Vicia faba L. to moderate NaCI stress. Plant Physiol. Bioch. 92, 19-29.

Köster, J.R.; Cardenas, L.; Bol, R.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Senbayram, M.; Well, R.; Giesemann, A. & Dittert, K. (2015) Anaerobic digestates lower N2O emissions compared to cattle slurry by affecting rate and product stoichiometry of denitrification - an N2O isotopomer case study. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 84, 65-74.

Senbayram, M.; Bol, R.; Dixon, L.; Fisher, A.; Stevens, C.; Quinton, J. & Fangueiro, D. (2015) Potential use of rare earth oxides as tracers of organic matter in grassland. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 178, 288-296.

Senbayram, M.; Gransee, A.; Wahle, V. & Thiel, H. (2015) Role of magnesium fertilisers in agriculture: plant-soil continuum. Crop Pasture Sci 66, 1219-1229.

Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brück, H. (2015) Daytime leaf water use efficiency does not explain the relationship between plant N status and biomass water-use efficiency of tobacco under non-limiting water supply. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 178, 682-692.

Cabeza, R.A.; Lingner, A.; Liese, R.; Sulieman, S.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Schulze, J. (2014) The activity of nodules of the supernodulating mutant Mt(sunn) is not limited by photosynthesis under optimal growth conditions, 5. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15, 6031-6045.

Chen, R.; Senbayram, M.; Blagodatsky, S.; Myachina, O.; Dittert, K.; Lin, X.; Blagodatskaya, E. & Kuzyakov, Y. (2014) Soil C and N availability determine the priming effect: microbial N mining and stoichiometric decomposition theories. Glob. Change Biol. 20, 2356–2367.

Lebender, U.; Senbayram, M.; Lammel, J. & Kuhlmann, H. (2014) Effect of mineral nitrogen fertilizer forms on N2O emissions from arable soils in winter wheat production. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 177, 722–732.

Lebender, U.; Senbayram, M.; Lammel, J. & Kuhlmann, H.(2014) Impact of mineral N fertilizer application rates on N2O emissions from arable soils under winter wheat. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosystems 100, 111–120.

Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Well, R.; Köster, J.R.; Fuss, R.; Senbayram, M.; Dittert, K. & Flessa, H. (2014) Experimental determinations of isotopic fractionation factors associated with N2O production and reduction during denitrification in soils. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 134, 55–73.

Schmeer, M.; Loges, R.; Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M.; Horn R. & Taube, F. (2014) Legume-based forage production systems reduce nitrous oxide emissions. 1. Soil & Tillage Research 143, 17-25.

Senbayram, M.; Bol, R.; Dixon, L.; Fisher, A.; Stevens, C.; Quinton, J. & Fangueiro, D. (2014) Potential use of rare earth oxides as tracers of organic matter in grassland. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. (in print)

Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.; Wienforth, B.; Herrmann, A.; Kage, H.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K., (2014) Emission of N2O from Biogas Crop Production Systems in Northern Germany. BioEnergy Res. 4, 1223-1236.

Zorb, C.; Senbayram, M. & Peiter, E. (2013): Potassium in agriculture - status and perspectives. J. Plant Physiol. 171, 656–669.

Claus, S.; Taube, F.; Wienforth, B.; Svoboda, N.; Sieling, K.; Kage, H.; Senbayram, M.; Dittert, K.; Gericke, D.; Pacholski, A. & Herrmann, A. (2013): Life Cycle Assessment of biogas production under the environmental conditions of northern Germany: Greenhouse gas balance. J Agric Sci First View, 1-10.

Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M. & Köster, J.R. (2013) N-fertilizer related nitrous oxide emissions – what we know, what we can do. In XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting Proceedings Book. pp. 87-88. Sabanci University, Istanbul.

Köster, J.R.; Well, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Mühling, K.H.; Herrmann, A.; Lammel, J. & Senbayram, M. (2013) Soil denitrification potential and ist influence on N2O reduction and N2O isotopomer ratios. Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom., 27, 2363-2373.

Köster, J.R.; Well, R.; Dittert, K.; Giesemann, A.; Lewicka-Szczebak, D.; Mühling, K.H.; Herrmann, A.; Lammel, J. & Senbayram, M. (2013): Soil denitrification potential and ist influence on N2O reduction and N2O isotopomer ratios. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 27, 1–11 doi: 10.1002/rcm.6699.

Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brück, H. (2013) Nitrogen supply enhances intrinsic but not biomass water use efficiency. In XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium and Boron Satellite Meeting Proceedings Book. pp. 477-479. Sabanci University, Istanbul.

Chen, R.R.; Blagodatskaya, E.; Senbayram, M.; Blagodatsky, S.; Myachina, O.; Dittert, K. & Kuzyakov, Y. (2012) Decomposition of biogas residues in soil and their effects on microbial growth kinetics and enzyme activities. Biomass Bioenerg., 45, 221-229.

Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.R.; Budai, A.; Bakken, L.; & Dittert, K. (2012): N2O emission and the N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio of denitrification as controlled by available carbon substrates and nitrate concentrations. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment., 147:4-12.

Chen, R.R.; Senbayram, M.; Lin, X.G. & Dittert, K. (2011) Origin of positive d13C of emitted CO2 from soils after application of biogas residues. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 2194-2199.

Köster, J.R.; Cardenas, L.; Senbayram, M.; Bol, R.; Well, R.; Butler, M.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert K. (2011): Rapid shift from denitrification to nitrification in soil after biogas residue application as indicated by nitrous oxide isotopomers. Soil Biology and Biochem. 43: 1671-1677.

Köster, J.R.; Cárdenas, L.; Senbayram, M.; Bol, R.; Well, R.; Butler, M.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2011) Rapid shift from denitrification to nitrification in soil after biogas residue application as indicated by nitrous oxide isotopomers. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43, 1671-1677.

Herrmann, A.; Senbayram, M. & Dittert, K. (2010) Treibhausgasemissionen aus der Landwirtschaft. Biogas Journal, 3/2010, 90-94.

Brueck, H. & Senbayram, M. (2009): Low nitrogen supply decreases water-use efficiency of Oriental Tobacco. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 172: 216-223.

Dittert, K.; Senbayram, M.; Chen, R. & Mühling, K.H. (2009): Greenhouse gas emissions in biogas production systems. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI. Davis. USA.

Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.; Mühling, K.H. & Dittert, K. (2009): Contribution of nitrification and denitrification-derived nitrous oxide emissions from soil after application of biogas waste compared to other fertilizers. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry. 23; 2489-2498.

Senbayram, M.; Chen, R.R. & Dittert, K. (2009) Contribution of nitrification and denitrification to nitrous oxide emissions from soils amended with biogas waste compared to other fertilizers. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 23, 2489-2498.

Fangueiro, D.; Senbayram, M.; Trindade, H. & Chadwick, D. (2008): Cattle slurry treatment by screw-press separation and chemically enhanced settling: Effect on greenhouse gas emission after land spreading and grass yield. Bioresource Technology. 99:7132-7142.

Senbayram, M.; Dixon, L.; Goulding, K.W.T. & Bol, R. (2008): Long-term influence of manure and mineral nitrogen applications on plant and soil 15N and 13C values from the Broadbalk Wheat Experiment. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry. 22: 1735-1740.

Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016): Water use efficiency and drone-based spectral screening of productivity in mixed cropping systems. Second International Legume Society Conference (ILS), October 11th - 14th, Tróia, Portugal.

Jákli, B.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E. & Dittert, K. (2015) Der Einfluss von Kalium auf die Wassernutzungseffizienz von Weizen – vom einzelnen Blatt zur gesamten Pflanze. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th – 18th, Göttingen, Germany.

Jákli, B.; Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E. & Dittert, K. (2015) The role of potassium in optimizing water-use efficiency and drought adaptation - from single leaves to whole plants. 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), August 31st – September 04th, Göttingen, Germany.

Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Magnesium deficient barley plants have lower biomass water-use efficiency and increased sensitivity to excess light energy. 2nd Magnesium Symposium, November 4th – 6th, São Paulo, Brazil.

Tränkner, M.; Senbayram, M.; Jákli, B.; Halicki, S.; Dittert, K. & Zörb, C. (2017) Comparative Study on Proteome Changes in Response to Potassium Deficiency and Drought in Triticum aestivum Roots. Frontiers of Potassium Science Conference, January 25th – 27th, Rome, Italy.

Jákli, B., Senbayram, M.; Meyer zur Müdehorst, J.; Fuchs, M.; Böttcher, F.; Hertwig, F.; Lingner, A. & Dittert, K. (2016) Drone-based remote screening of water-use efficiency. 75th Congress of the International Institute for Beet Research (IIRB), February 16th – 17th, Brussels, Belgium.

Lingner, A.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2016): Traits for water use in mixed cropping systems. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar, March 14th - 16th, Potsdam, Germany.

Lingner, A.; Siebrecht, D.; Senbayram, M.; Link, W. & Dittert, K. (2016): Productivity of legume-based mixed cropping systems as estimated by NDVI imaging. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 28th - 30th, Hohenheim, Germany.

Lingner, A.; Dittert, K.; Steinmann, H.; Isselstein, J.; Link, W. & Senbayram, M. (2015): Traits for water and nutrient use in mixed cropping systems. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th - 18th, Göttingen, Germany.

Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2015) Photoprotective reactions of Mg deficient barley plants. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 17th – 18th, Göttingen, Germany.

Jákli, B.; Tränkner, M. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Effects of potassium deficiency on water use efficiency of Triticum aestivum. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 10th – 12th, Halle (Saale), Germany.

Tavakol, E.; Tränkner, M.; Jákli, B.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Adequate K supply enhances tolerance to drought situations via optimized NPQ and antioxidant activity in spring wheat. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 10th – 12th, Halle (Saale), Germany.

Tränkner, M.; Tavakol, E.; Dittert, K. & Senbayram, M. (2014) Adequate magnesium supply increases biomass water-use efficiency and mitigates effects of excess light energy in barley. International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (DGP), September 10th – 12th, Halle (Saale), Germany.

Senbayram, M.; Tränkner, M.; Dittert, K. & Brueck, H. (2013) Nitrogen supply enhances intrinsic but not biomass water use efficiency. XVII. International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), August 19th – 22nd, Istanbul, Turkey.

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